Is your rèsume up to date?
5 years or less experience / 3 or fewer positions (non-management) - $297 - $397
5-10 years experience - $397 - $487
depending on the number of positions held
More than 10 years experience and mid-managers - $425 - $595
depending upon number of positions held
Career Changers - $397 - $575
Executive or Director level - $455 - $595
including military officers and business owners
Military transition (non officers) - $297 - $455
IT / Engineers - 1 - 5 years' experience - $350 - $497
IT / Engineers - 5 years' or more experience - $397 - $597
Federal Resumes begin at $455
KSAs $75 each composition / $45 - $55 editing
CVs (Curriculum Vitae) - start at $415
Executive Bios - start at $245 (less if purchased with resume)
Cover letters start at $60
Second resume versions begin at $95
ASCII (Plain Text) conversions - gratis if needed
Updates begin at $95
LinkedIn Profiles - start at $125 for improving a summary up to $345 for from-scratch completion (current resume must be available to work from).
Local travel expenses $50 for in-person meetings.